3 Years, 3 Different Company
Story about my last 3 years experience, especially when moving from one to another company
I just realized this after replying to a comment on a post on Facebook related to the 2019 DevC Build Day event, I realized that this was the third time I was asked to help to become a mentor to fellow participants who took part in their event.

And one of the replies from that comment managed to remind me that in the past three years I have joined the DevC Build Day event but for three different companies.

I want to discuss this in a separate blog post also after being reminded by friends to try share things related to moving around this company.
But before discussing a variety of interesting things that I have experienced, so that friends who do not know about my trip do not lose the context of the next story, then I will try to flashback so to explain my last 3 companies in the last 3 years.
About Blibli.com
Joining and becoming an employee of Blibli.com could be the best step for my career in the martial arts world. I joined Blibli.com in October 2015 after previously I worked in a company such as software house for more than 2 years since the mid-2013.I learned so many things at Blibli.com for 2 years and 9 months, but it ended in June 2018, I remember when I resigned after the Eid Eid Al-Fitr 2018. The decision to leave Blibli.com was one of the toughest and most risky decisions that I took considering that I was already in a “comfort zone” while working here. Another difficult thing is having to leave friends that I have known and met almost every day for almost 3 years. Being on the Mas team must include ↗️ from joining Blibli.com, I felt I was in a team that really understood each other.I was afraid at the time that I was going to miss out on moments with my friends.

At Bizzy Indonesia
The hardest thing for me when moving to a new place is trying to adapt to the work environment, the people in it, the way they talk, get along and communicate I always feel different from the habits I have been living. Even when I was first at Bizzy Indonesia, although in terms of workload, I was slightly benefited by my previous experience of having a similar tech stack, but it was still not easy for me to get to know the people in it. It took me months so I could just chat with several people there. In fact, if you think about it, they are not that scary 😂, it’s just that I’m not used to starting a chat without work-related reasons.
I was greatly helped, because i was on the Uncle team Bobby Siagian ↗️ which is very supportive and lightens my burden to adapt, plus meeting my old friend again,Ardi Firmansyah ↗️ which helped me directly in many ways (- long ago yes, Bro 🙇).
I was fortunate to join Bizzy Indonesia and the Bobby team when their development rhythm was not as fast as it was few months. At that time they were starting to stabilize the features and technology they were using, including starting to adopt various best practices in order to produce qualified software products in there final version and the quality of the technology itself. As Frontend Developer, to be honest at that time the quality of our code produced at Bizzy was not so good. Understandable because they have just completed a massive migration on their platform, so an overcrowded schedule can make people somewhat indifferent to the quality of the code they write themselves.
Stress? a small part yes, because I was actually getting used to see neatly arranged code, but actually i saw this as an opportunity for me who already has experience in this matter to be able to contribute more no matter the conditions at the time. And sure enough, a few months after that my friends and I were given the opportunity, trust and time dedicated to improve many things so that the quality of the code can gradually improve and lead to the expected goals.
Guided By Etji ↗️ and assisted by the best and certified DevOps duo, uncle Dani ↗️ and Ucup ↗️ and a reliable duo Architect Test, uncle Buddy ↗️ and Wib ↗️ we as Frontend Developers felt very facilitated and assisted so that we can complete our work easily and more efficiently without being disturbed by the integration of various internal tools and deployment matters.

I joined Bizzy since July 2018 and decided to resign in June 2019, one year or so. I moved after Eid Eid (- again) 2019. In fact, Bizzy Indonesia had also become a “comfort zone” for me at that time, just imagine that I could keep working after taking the school kids in the morning. Such free time is very valuable to me, especially in times when children need more of my presence at home.
About Tokopedia
I joined Tokopedia since June 2019 with many hopes pinned,I hoped that will not have trouble adapting because they have more than 4200 Nakama (- Tokopedia employees), also hoping to learn a lot of new things because previously I was always coding Vue while Tokopedia was already famous for React users, hoping to learn from great people which I know are in it.

But from the start, I had prepared myself for many things that were different from my expectations because even in places that you think is the best place on earth, there will always be flaws and challenges that are different from one and another.
What can i Say!
Moving around different jobs in a relatively short time is actually not an achievement that you and I can be proud of to the general public. Suffice to be the result of your tangible contribution to your workplace which is an achievement and you deserves to be proud of. But as human beings, we also need to respect each person’s decision, when for example that person decides to move around in a short amount of time. Just believe that the person might already have the best reason to do that.
Moving through different jobs is always a difficult thing, it is never easy, there are many things that you will have to start from the beginning. Always think about it as many times possible before there is a desire to change jobs. Especially for people who already have a wife and children who must be covered financially. Try to talk with the people closest to you before planning on moving from a workplace, who knows the opinions of others can help in making decisions.

“Die First, Then Quit” – Don’t go out, before you give your best. If all your energy has been mobilized and the results are still not happy for you, then maybe it’s time for you to go out.